Leadership and boundary management
When people think of boundaries, they don’t normally think of compassion. Watch the video below from “The work of the people” to hear what renowned researcher, Brene Brown found in their data.
Another way to look at boundaries is following on from the work of Tim Westfeldt, from The Westfeldt Institute of Emotional Hygiene. Tim describes boundaries like a fence between two neighbours. They represent the line between two people. Where I end and the rest of the world begins and vice versa. A respectful neighbour who wants to talk to you about getting the fence repaired (or some other common topic), will walk out their front door, down the street, into your yard and knock on the door. But many of us have “boundary confusion” which results in one of two metaphoric scenarios. A neighbour who jumps the back fence, goes through your back door and sits in your kitchen, waiting for you to come out of the bedroom. Or the type of neighbour who throws rocks at your door from their yard, coercing you out of your house to see what the commotion is about.
Watch the following video to learn about Boundary Management
So when we have a team of people, boundaries play a big role in our interpersonal relationships, as well as our professional boundaries. Team members can manage their interpersonal boundaries well, by staying in their lane, learning to say no themselves and respecting others’ “no”. That way what we do “exchange” with others in our team and help each other with, comes from a genuine and respectful place.