Neohumanist Education Discipline
Navigating Big Feelings and Tantrums
We will talk about the who, what, when, where, and how of big feelings and tantrums. This class is packed with tools, understanding, empathy, and great conversation. We are not alone, we are a community.
Neohumanist Education Discipline
NHE 120: Capstone
Students demonstrate the knowledge gained through the program in an individually designed, multi-faceted project that is of use to the community of Neohumanist educators (and the wider world). In addition, they compile a portfolio of their work in the program demonstrating
competency in multiple areas and a commitment to lifelong learning and continuous professional development. -
Neohumanist Education Discipline
NHE 119 : Science, Technology, Ethics, Arts, and Math (STEAM)
This course explores both the power and the limits of science in a Neohumanist world and outlines an integrated pedagogy that highlights the role of ethics and the arts in a Neohumanist framework for teaching science. We will focus on how children make sense of the world and build “scientific knowledge” and learn how to use this understanding to create …
Neohumanist Education Discipline
NHE 118: The Social Context of Learning
This course will give teachers/educators a lens to look through to uncover hidden dynamics and reveal new pathways forward as well as introductions to classroom community building, individual and classroom systemic exercises, anti bias learning, Community Resiliency Model introduction , trauma informed skills and family/community partnerships development.
Neohumanist Education Discipline
NHE 117: A Social Studies Curriculum of Place
The study of the socio-cultural world begins in particular places. This course explores the processes of culture, colonization and decolonization, and how the multidisciplinary social studies aligns with a social justice mission.
Neohumanist Education Discipline
NHE 115: Arts-Based Curriculum Design
This course focuses on nurturing children’s diversity, individual talents, intelligences, and learning styles through the integration of the arts in the literacy curriculum.
Neohumanist Education Discipline
NHE 113: Language and Literacy
This course examines the fundamentals of language and literacy development preK-elementary grades with an emphasis on creating a culture of literacy that meets the unique needs of all students.
Neohumanist Education Discipline
NHE 111: Descriptive Inquiry – The Art of Knowing the Child
This course explores an inquiry method to help educators develop their powers of educational observation, description, reflection, and intuition to better guide young people on their unique educational journeys.
Neohumanist Education Discipline
NHE 109: Teaching Eight Limbed Yoga for 3-11 Yr Olds
This course explores developmentally appropriate strategies for bringing the spiritual practices of the Astaunga Yoga lifestyle into the classroom.
Video – Course Introduction
Neohumanist Education Discipline
NHE 105: Child Development from a Neohumanist Perspective
Take a Neohumanist approach to the physical, social, emotional, cognitive, moral and spiritual development of the whole child, along with the educational implications, with a critical and intuitional eye.
Neohumanist Education Discipline
NHE 104: Neohumanist Philosophy of Education
This course offers new understandings of the concept of the human, what it means to “know” and how knowing happens, an expanded perspective on ethics and their importance in education, and a new understanding of the role of aesthetics in human experience.
This course is now full. Please email to info@nhca.gurukul.edu to join the waiting list …
Neohumanist Education Discipline
NHE 107: Teaching from the Inside Out – Personal Development
This course will offer transformative practices that contribute to physical, emotional, social, mental and spiritual development.
Neohumanist Education Discipline
Showing 1–12 of 13 results